
Programs at Oak House


We have a revolving chore list that our residents follow daily. They learn to do all the different household duties and also learn to work together.

vacuuming the floors

Time to vacuum the floors.

Mopping the floors

Mopping the floor at the end of the day.

sweeping up after a meal

Sweeping the floor after a meal.

getting ready to mop the floor

Getting ready to mop the floor.

cleaning the bathroom mirror

Washing the mirror.

answering the phone

Time to answer the phone.


Residents learn basic cooking skills by doing, in order to cook for themselves when they move into their own apartment.

preparing dinner

Getting ready for dinner.

dishing out fruit

Rickie dishing up fruit for lunch.

eating together family style

The residents eat together family style. They prepare the meal and help clean up when done.

Art Class

art class

Time to participate in a weekly art class put on by VSA Arts.

Grocery Shopping

Residents go to the market once a week with a grocery list and are taught to comparison shop. Often one of our residents finds a recipe for something special to cook and shops for the ingredients. They then cook their special dish for everyone.

Programs are set up to enable residents to take care of their own hygiene. This is one more step toward their independence.


Residents do their own laundry, with assistance from staff, until they are able to do it themselves.

Appropriate Behavior

Residents are taught how to act appropriately in public, at home with other residents, or people on the street, such as not hugging everyone they meet.

Money Program

Residents learn to budget their money for a week at a time.

General Shopping

Every week our residents go to the Mall to shop for their personal needs such as shampoo, toothpaste, etc. They are each responsible for keeping track of when these things are needed.