
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I visit Oak House?

A: It is best to call (906)482-4231 or write to Oak House, Inc., 19631 Sampson St, Hancock, MI 49930. You can also fax us at (906)482-4282 or e-mail us at oakhouse@oakhouseinc.com to set up a time for you to visit.

Q: Where can I find Oak House?

A: Oak House is located in Hancock in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We are very close to downtown and still away from the city traffic. We will give you directions to the house when you call or e-mail us.

Q: Where are the schools located?

A: We are centered between all the schools. The Copper Country Intermediate School District is one and a half miles west of us. The Hancock Middle and High School is located one and a half miles north.

Q: What is the best time to call?

A: The best time to call is between 9:00am-5:00pm Eastern Standard Time on weekdays and anytime on weekends.

Q: What is the average age at Oak House?

A: Our Average age is 35 with the oldest being 62 and the youngest 22. Most are in their mid 30's.

Q: Is there a waiting list?

A: Yes, there is a waiting list. Some of these people were put on the list so they would have a place when the time comes. Others are ready when we have a vacancy.